Know your Place – organise your camping gear
You’ll find it a big help if everything you take with you on your camps and travels has its place. You never know when, or under what conditions (dead of night, emergency etc) you’ll need to access that all-important ‘thing’ – be it a torch, lighter, toilet paper, keys, kids dummy, kids (I’m guilty of that one) etc.
Your campsite, or car / caravan is so much smaller than your house – but it’s all somewhat new and different. Knowing where stuff is prevents raised voices, the blame game and stress (on all sides). I used to instruct my cadets on this and their need to put their hands on their toothbrush without pulling the whole kit apart.
Equally, others need to respect the place where stuff is kept – and put it back when finished. A place for everything and everything in its place. Feel free to share if there’s someone you know who needs to ‘know their place’.
If supplies are beginning to dwindle, it is immediately noticed. For example, that dry kindling when used, will be missing from its place and noticed if it HAS a place in the first place.
Enjoy your next trip!
Tentworld has everything you need when camping, including storage options.