Women travelling and camping

Women out Camping

Something I see a lot of when I’m Out and About are stickers on cars like ‘Mine Not His’ or number plates like “HER R16” and even Facebook groups focused on girls travelling and camping. Women out camping with the family and the men folk often ensure the camping trip has more of those “essentials” us men scoff at as being unnecessary “bring alongs”. That is until…..

I posted earlier in the year on my great friend Robyn travelling around Australia solo and introduced Rolling Solo Australia – refer https://campandtravel.com.au/ladies-travelling-australia-alone-travel-around-australia/.

All this links back to why I set up Out&About with Dayv and the www.campandtravel.com.au. I wanted to provide a safe place for people to learn or simply experience life on the road camping and travelling.

I’d realised that many websites and magazines focused on wheels in the air, mud on the windscreen and the frequently espoused need for all the clip on extras.

Ok… yes… this was also driven in part as an apology to my wife who I scared shitless when we visited the Victorian High Country (driving the Howqua Gap Hut Track from the hut to Mount Sterling – and back).

Women out Camping because Women love camping

Another observation is that a majority of my followers on Facebook are women (53%) – and the majority of these are over 45. I’m very proud of this and appreciate the responsibility that comes with it.

So… I’d like to dedicate this ‘Tips and Hacks’ (perhaps the last one you’ll read this year) to the ladies and girls of camping. It’s easy for us to blokes to pack the car, fill the tank and chill the beers. But, it’s often you guys who offer the moderating influence to bring a degree of common sense to another-wise risky situation.

Not to limit all you do, it’s you guys who make sure the towels and clothes are packed for the kids.

It’s you guys who provide the mother’s kiss when we’re hurt or the mother’s spit to remove those stains.

I’ve met some who do the driving and the reversing.

And Lord knows what the eskies would look like if you weren’t around.

Beach camping and women out campingWomen who love camping solo

Having said all this, many of you go off camping by yourselves and these women love it.

I appreciate that there’s blokes (and dads) out there that do a great job too. But, let’s take this moment to appreciate the ladies, girls, mums, grandmas and great-grandmas.

If there’s something I can do or offer to build this as an even safer place please drop me a line – dayv@campandtravel.com.au.

You got this.

Keep safe and go places.


Tentworld Camping Experts



The daydreamer chair stocked at Tentworld is the perfect end to a busy camping day.


Daydreamer chair for camping

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