Camp and Travel’s Camping Tips for 2020
Well… what a year and what a journey.
My year of Travels in 2020, during lockdowns and Covid Mania
For me, I still got more than my share of getting Out and About – and I hope that you did too in some way, shape or form (sadly, even if it was only a walk in the park).
I did the Darling River Run (The Darling River Run) in June and managed to end up in Melbourne when it was first identified as a Covid Hot Spot.
During this time, I saw the impacts of the stricter policies around camp site amenities ( and camping quotas.
At the same time though, explored parts of Queensland from within our border closures (with me being a Queenslander) – taking a trip out to Charleville and Mount Moffat (
I even took a quieter trip out west to Goondiwindi (, Cunnamulla and Charleville with my Hon Minister for Finance and War. Even though I’d been to Charleville only a couple of months earlier, I still got to experience some new and great sights/sites, like the Hotel Corones (directions) – complete with a guided tour – and Evening Star Caravan Park (Directions) with an excellent night telescope tour of the skies plus a morning ‘Mud Map’ explanatory tour of the property and emerging sustainable practices.
My travels provided me with the opportunity to appreciate what it means to visit a Public House and how important they are to a community – something we all got to hear about as travel and camping slowed down during our respective isolations (
Our Travel Calculators
2020 also allowed me to further develop something very close to my heart; and that was to share four calculators ( The travel and load calculators allow you to experiment (on paper) with moving loads in your tow vehicle and trailer. Each change made impacts on your towing capacities and vehicle performance and safety. These calculators aren’t intended to tell the whole story as you are still encouraged to get a weighbridge / scale weight before you set off too far (and fast). But, they do help in clearing up some grey areas giving better understandings.
How do the calculators work you may ask?
By using these calculators, I hope that you’ve seen that 300kg on the ball can actually be about 450kg on the car’s rear axle. If I place two jerries (jerry cans) on the rear of the trailer this may well reduce the ball load, however they do in fact add more than their weight on the trailer’s axle/s due to the overhang.
Goodbye to 2020 with all our tips and hacks
Finally, I hope these Tips and Hacks throughout 2020 have helped you in some small way – hoping that if just one has helped you, then perhaps all of them have helped say 52 (or more). Find all our Tips and Hacks filling this link. (Camping Tips and Hacks 2020).
If you haven’t already joined me by registering to be ‘In The Tent’ (, can I encourage you to do so. I have bigger things planned for this page and my socials (@dayvcampandtravel, #outandaboutwithdayv and YouTube ‘Out&About with Dayv’) in the coming years and being registered will give you a good head start.
Again, if there’s something I can do or offer to build this as an even safer place please drop me a line –
Bring on 2021
Keep safe and let’s catch up sometime.