A very friendly country pub offering Pub Camping
With many new people joining us on the this page, I thought I’d be good to plug an acquaintance of mine, Jackie, and her webpage: https://countrypubcamping.com
There’s also an accompanying Facebook group where the pubs and latest news and experiences are shared. The moderators are great and it’s a safe group. When you sign up to the page, you’ll find that you can search for pubs throughout Australia where you can stop, have a rest, a drink, a chat, a feed and camp nearby. There’s also files by each state that you can refer to, or print off and keep in the glove box (like I do).
The camp may be out the back of the pub, across the road or just down the street – but still close enough to walk. One pre-requisite of the camp is that it needs to be free of cost, donation or cheap. Some may have power. Some may require that you to be fully self-contained. But others may offer amenities and showers (some only during pub open hours).
Just be sure to set-up camp before you imbibe. It may also help if you check out my blog on Free Camping in Australia at: https://campandtravel.com.au/free-camping-in-australia/