
Camping Gift Ideas

Ok, while writing this I look up at the calendar and realise that is about a month until Christmas Day 2022.

This sort of limits some of our shopping opportunities. But, its also the time when friends and family ask – “So, what do you want for Christmas?” – or its that time when you get invited to a Christmas Party and the organiser declares that you’re going to have a Secret Santa.

If you’re like me your head might race to to safe option of a Gift Card. Sorted!

But it’s often the little bit more of an effort that’ll make the big difference at this special time of the year. I personally got a light-weight long-handled camping spoon from a Secret Santa at work and I use it all the time – it hangs from the back of my fridge in the car and I love using it.

Let’s stick to items under say $50 for now

So, lets have a look at a couple of ideas that may help you for yourself and others.

In the Camp Kitchen

As boring as this may sound, everyone reaches for some utensil or implement in the kitchen. As the old adage goes – “if you don’t eat, you don’t poop (or similar); if you don’t poop, you die”.

Camp Cooking

Got a hunger for a Jaffle or two? Take a look at the Jaffle / Pie Iron from Tentworld –

Jaffle Iron

Maybe a Camp Oven Lid lifter is more your style – a great gadget to have handy when cooking over those coals on the camp fire. These Camp Oven Lid Lifters suit most camp ovens.

Camp oven lifter

Or an extendable spatula for when that extra reach is required.   No more singed hair or eyebrows.



I know I would not say no to a campfire tripod –
Tripod camping stove
The fire is humming along and you set up your camper steel tripod, which allows you to get dinner on the table in no time. This tripod (campfire tripod) comes with a chain and hooks which allows you to change the hanging height of your billy or camp oven.

Made of tough steel, this tripod is built to last. Use one in your backyard, or pack it in your camp box.

We can smell the damper cooking already, can you?

Sitting and Lying About the Camp

For ‘Camp Hero’ status, there’s often nothing better for saying “I’ve got this” than simply finding two trees and slinging a Hammock – for a rest, an afternoon nap or perhaps an overnight sleep (best practice first though).


 lightweight tripod stool

Tripod Chair

For the Navigator in Us All

Good quality compasses make you look like you know what you’re doing and very simple to learn once you have the right maps.

Hema Maps

Yes I hear you thinking. I don’t need a map as we have GPS. I love my GPS, but sometimes it is not always available in remote areas. A map is a sure way of knowing where you are going to when today’s navigational systems let us down. These Hema Regional Maps are up-to-date and reliable.


Hema Maps


First Aid and Survival

How about a water bottle that’s also a water filter? Have a look at the Fill2Pure Advanced Travel Safe Bottle that claims to “remove up to 99.99% of chemicals and other contaminants” and protect “you against viruses and bacteria to 99.9999% in water other filters cannot remove”.

Pure Water from the flask – 800ml

Water bottle or flask


Never be caught short without matches –

The reliable fire starter.


Fire Starters


First Aid Kit


Snake bite or sprained ankle and you don’t have a first aid kit? A first aid kit is an essential when travelling, but so many neglect to have the basic first aid kit available to them.

Snakes are a part of living in Australia. If you happen to get bitten by a snake, then be prepared.

Snake  Bite Kit

Snake bite kit

Around the Camp

Have a think about matching red LED torches so you don’t ruin your (and others) night vision.  These powerful torches are sold as a pair so you get two of them.




Quick drying microfibre towels

These towels are gems and are always handy around the camp after a swim or after a shower. They are dry you off in no time, as light as a feather and they dry out fast – fully machine washable.

Microfiber towels

So, these are all just gift suggestions to help free up those creative juices for yourself or for those you’re wanting to buy for – or just as a surprise for someone special. There’s a lot more on the above links like sleeping bags, swags, tents, camp ovens and gas stoves etc, but I can’t spoil all the fun of shopping.

Please let me know how you go and what suggestions you may have for others. But, don’t ruin any Secret Santa surprises now…

See you out there and Merry Christmas from Dayv 2020.

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