Where is Queensland

Out&About with Dayv Welcomes Clean Travellers and Campers to Queensland

As a died in the wool Queenslander, it seems strange writing this but here goes…

I have an Australia-wide focused website, having been to every capital in Australia and having been overseas to Norfolk Island as well as Fraser, Moreton, Stradbroke, Bribie and even Mornington Islands, I’m beginning to feel that little more rounded as an Australian – and perhaps even less parochial.

Maybe too, having our daughter now living in Melbourne has made me more accepting of our southern friends.

But, I’ll still yell “QUEENSLANDER!!!” during the State of Origin games.

Warm Welcome in Warmer Climes

So, please let me bid all our visiting neighbours from interstate a cheery welcome to sunny Queensland as we open the gates to all eligible entrants.

It’s a pity those Victorians who haven’t yet quarantined for 14 days outside their home state can’t join us just yet – but you all know why.

To those allowed over the border, please know that you’re all welcome and we hope you stay a while. Just spend your time and your money where it’s most needed – in the smaller towns, pubs, bakeries and butchers.

If you Free Camp (Scottish Free or Off-grid Free), please remember that someone pays. So, please give back to the community that hosts you.

Three blogs you may like to read in this regard:

Queensland Holiday
Don’t forget about him/her.

Disclaimer:- This site contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.

Where Does Queensland Start

And just for those interested in understanding Queensland’s southern border a little better, here’s the descriptor as it appeared in Queen Victoria’s letters patent (dated 6 June 1859) that allowed for the formation of a new colony from the larger New South Wales.

“…as lies northward of a line commencing on the sea coast at Point Danger, in latitude about 28º 8’ south, and following the range thence which divides the waters of the Tweed, Richmond, and Clarence Rivers from those of the Logan and Brisbane Rivers, westerly, to the great dividing range between the waters falling to the east coast and those of the River Murray; following the great dividing range southerly to the range dividing the waters of Tenterfield Creek from those of the main head of the Dumaresq River; following that range westerly to the Dumaresq River; and following that river (which is locally known as the Severn) downward to its confluence with the Macintyre River; thence following the Macintyre River, which lower down becomes the Barwan, downward to the 29th parallel of south latitude, and following that parallel westerly to the 141st meridian of east longitude, which is the eastern boundary of South Australia…” (www.qld.gov.au).

My recent trip along the Dumaresq River (mentioned above) will shed some light on this area –

Anyway, welcome all. Have fun, be good and keep your distances.

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