You've got a friend in me

Best Mates Playing in Australia’s Outback

I’m not sure if you’ve ever had one of those moments when you’re driving down the road enjoying the freedom that is travelling and camping off the beaten track, when you stumble upon a horse and a cow having fun in a field by the side of the road.

Well, this happened to me the other day as I drove down the Gwydir Highway in outback New South Wales.

There, in the field were two best mates have a good ol’ time without a care in the world.

Ok, so many disparate animals form great bonds (like ducklings and dogs) – but, for me what made this exchange all the more interesting was the size of the steer’s horns and the playfulness of the foal.

Check out this video and see how adept this young foal is at avoiding an unintended outcome.

If you want a taste of travel check out the deals here!

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